Useful Shortcuts

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Site Admin
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Useful Shortcuts

Post by admin »

Here's the Mac list...

Double-click : Selects the word under the mouse
Triple-click : Selects the whole element under the mouse

Cmd+S : Does nothing, all changes are saved as you make them :)
Cmd+P : Print the script

Cmd+0 : Action paragraph type
Cmd+1 : Scene Heading paragraph type
Cmd+2 : Action paragraph type
Cmd+3 : Character paragraph type
Cmd+4 : (Parenthetical) paragraph type
Cmd+5 : Dialogue/Speech paragraph type
Cmd+6 : Transition paragraph type
Cmd+7 : Slug/Angle/Misc paragraph type
(Cmd+8 opens Characters dialogue)
Cmd+9 : Note paragraph type
Cmd+Shift+E : Centered paragraph type

Cmd+Shift+' : Opens paragraph type dialogue

Cmd+I : Italicize selected text or current word
Cmd+B : Bold selected text or current word
Cmd+U : Underline selected text or current word
Cmd+Shift+Y : Switch selected text or current word between CAPITALIZED and lower-case
Cmd+Shift+I : Ignore misspelling

Shift : Select text. Use this in combination with arrow keys, etc.

Cmd+X : Cut selected text
Cmd+C : Copy selected text
Cmd+V : Paste

Page-up/-down: Jump to top of previous / next page
Alt+Page-up/-down: Jump to previous / next scene
Cmd+Left/-Right-arrow: Jump to previous / next word
Cmd+Up/-Down-arrow: Jump to previous / next script element
Cmd+Home: Jump to start of script
Cmd+End: Jump to end of script

Cmd+G: Opens the 'Go to page...' dialog
Cmd+Shift+G: Opens the 'Go to scene...' dialog

Cmd+Shift+C : Open "Characters" dialogue
Cmd+Shift+L : Open "Locations" dialogue
Cmd+Shift+S : Open "Scenes" dialogue

Cmd+M : Create a new comment referencing the current paragraph or selected text

Cmd+Enter : Insert line-break (starts a new line within the element)
Cmd+F : Find (dialogue opens with selected text, or the current word)

F11 : Toggle full-screen mode
Site Admin
Posts: 338
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:18 pm

Re: Useful Shortcuts

Post by admin »

...and for Chrome / Windows / Linux

Double-click : Selects the word under the mouse
Triple-click : Selects the whole element under the mouse

Ctrl+S : Does nothing, all changes are saved as you make them :)
Ctrl+P : Print the script

Ctrl+0 : Action paragraph type
Ctrl+1 : Scene Heading paragraph type
Ctrl+2 : Action paragraph type
Ctrl+3 : Character paragraph type
Ctrl+4 : (Parenthetical) paragraph type
Ctrl+5 : Dialogue/Speech paragraph type
Ctrl+6 : Transition paragraph type
Ctrl+7 : Slug/Angle/Misc paragraph type
(Ctrl+8 opens Characters dialogue)
Ctrl+9 : Note paragraph type
Ctrl+Shift+E : Centered paragraph type

Ctrl+Shift+' : Opens paragraph type dialogue

Ctrl+I : Italicize selected text or current word
Ctrl+B : Bold selected text or current word
Ctrl+U : Underline selected text or current word
Ctrl+Shift+U : Switch selected text or current word between CAPITALIZED and lower-case
Ctrl+Shift+I : Ignore misspelling

Shift : Select text. Use this in combination with arrow keys, etc.

Ctrl+X, Shift+Del : Cut selected text
Ctrl+C : Copy selected text
Ctrl+V : Paste

Page-up/-down: Jump to top of previous / next page
Alt+Page-up/-down: Jump to previous / next scene
Ctrl+Left-/Right-arrow : Jump to previous / next word
Ctrl+Up-/Down-arrow : Jump to previous / next script element
Ctrl+Home: Jump to start of script
Ctrl+End: Jump to end of script

Ctrl+G: Opens the 'Go to page...' dialog
Ctrl+Shift+G: Opens the 'Go to Scene...' dialog

Ctrl+Shift+C : Open "Characters" dialogue
Ctrl+Shift+L : Open "Locations" dialogue
Ctrl+Shift+S : Open "Scenes" dialogue

Ctrl+M : Create a new comment referencing the current paragraph or selected text

Ctrl+Enter : Insert line-break (starts a new line within the current element)
Ctrl+F : Find (dialogue opens with selected text, or the current word)

F11 : Toggle full-screen mode.
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