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Importing / Copy & Paste from Google Doc

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:27 pm
by nidahasa
I've written my script on Google doc and trying to cony & paste it into youmescript. But when i do, formatting messes us. I've used paragraph styles in Google doc character names, dialogues etc (character name - heading2 , dialogue - heading3 etc)

Is there a way i can copy and paste (or import) in a way that i can tell youmescript to interpret heading2 as character names and heading3 as dialogue etc?

thank you

Re: Importing / Copy & Paste from Google Doc

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:52 am
by admin
Sadly I haven't found a very smart way to do this, there just isn't enough info in the export. The best I've managed is to print to a PDF, then copy and paste from that, relying on YouMeScript's smart formatting to work it out. You'll still need to go through it to find any possible problems, but it does save most of the work.