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Update on Revision History?
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:46 am
by SharpFace
This app is absolutely fantastic, but I can't collaborate with clients in good conscience while there's no ability to go back to previous versions/revisions.
I can't imagine how much work it is, but do you have a status update or ETA on the Revision History feature?
Incredible work so far, and once Revision History is in I'll be sending that 20 bucks over immediately.
Re: Update on Revision History?
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:07 am
by admin
Thanks, but there's the problem: fantastic and incredible isn't worth $19.99 without the one feature... So I have to spend all my time doing other work to earn a living. Hopefully it'll happen in the next year or so.
- Jake
Re: Update on Revision History?
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:49 am
by Guest
I understand, sorry if that was patronising.
The work you've already done is more than worth it, so the 20 bucks has been sent firmly your way.
All the best with it!
Re: Update on Revision History?
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:56 am
by admin
Much appreciated, thanks. Sorry if that came across grumpy - first coffee etc etc. Bootstrapping a project like this is an 'interesting' problem though. I guess that's what Patreon was invented for, maybe that would be worth a try for me.
- Jake
Re: Update on Revision History?
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:49 pm
by Guest
No worries.
Patreon might be a good decision - however I feel the app needs general a big marketing push. It's far too powerful and well-integrated to be relegated to discovery only via the Google Drive apps list!
Patreon might function for a good marketing drive. Worth looking into some advertising avenues. Not that I imagine you have a ton of capital to be throwing around!
I've certainly told all writers I'm friends with to check it out!