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Comic book formatting

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:23 pm
by GeniusJ
Hi there. I'm not sure how many people use YouMeScript for writing comic book scripts, but I think it's pretty useful for that. I do believe it could stand to have a few things added to accommodate this format of script, however.

One of the things I do when creating a comic script is to start off scenes like this:


Right now, when I hit Command-1 to get a Scene Heading, I'm presented with default options like "EXT., EXT/INT, INT". I would like the option of changing these defaults to "PAGE, PANEL" instead of "EXT, INT" so that I can quickly type these out.

Does this make sense?

Also, it would be great if somehow YouMeScript could read these PAGE/PANEL descriptions in the script and notate those as "scenes" instead of the default scene numbers. By that, I mean it when I pull up a list of scenes, it'd be nice if the software understood that PAGE ONE - PANEL 2 is a scene that I could jump to.