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Dual Dialogue
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:36 am
by anon
How do I assign dual dialogue mode?
Re: Dual Dialogue
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:27 am
by admin
Two ways to do this, both need the cursor in the second character element (the character who's speech will end up on the right): either right click and select Dual-Dialogue, or use the shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-D or CMD-SHIFT-D on Macs.
I'll copy this to the FAQ too.
And sorry for the delayed response - new year's and all that.
Re: Dual Dialogue
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:10 am
by Torgen
How do I add a second line of dialogue within one of the columns of dual dialogue? If I hit enter in the right column I get a new centered dialog block, and if I hit enter in the left column when there's already a right column, I get a new centered dialogue block AND the old right column becomes a left column below the new dialogue block, which I can't fix.
Re: Dual Dialogue
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:07 pm
by admin
Torgen, it appears you've found a bug when you hit enter after the left column dialogue block, I'll see how quickly I can fix that.
Currently the two dual-dialogue's have to start at the same time, it's not so much two columns, so hitting enter after the right dialogue block is producing expected, though likely not ideal, behavior.
I'm not sure how it should work for keeping on going, whether there should needs to be a way to specify when dual dialogue starts, column breaks, and stops... Any thoughts?
Re: Dual Dialogue
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:44 pm
by Torgen
I'd put a non-printing indicator for the end of the dual dialogue block, similar to the dotted line for a page break. That might mean that the only way to get below the dual dialogue block is to cursor down, but that's better than not being able to put multiple lines in the right column at all.
Re: Dual Dialogue
Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:03 pm
by Torgen
Maybe better idea: enter in one column of dual dialogue stays in that column, but tabbing gives options of switching columns and exiting dual dialogue.