Dual dialogue misgrouping
Dual dialogue misgrouping
Make 7 lines of dialogue. Make 1&2, 4&5, and 6&7 dual dialogue. Reload the script. The grouping will now be 1&2, 3&4, and 5&6, with 7 shifted to the left like it's dual dialogue but with no partner line.
Re: Dual dialogue misgrouping
Torgen, I can't reproduce this. I'll keep trying in different order etc, but if you find any more specifics, please let me know.
Re: Dual dialogue misgrouping
I didn't think there was more to it than that, but I'll see if I can figure out any more details.
Re: Dual dialogue misgrouping
Torgen, I've found one circumstance where it puts a single-dialogue paragraph on the left as if it were part of dual-dialogue... I'll let you know here when that fix is done. Many thanks for pointing out the issue here.
Re: Dual dialogue misgrouping
Hmm, this was fixed a while back. Moving to fixed now.