Version 1.1.13

- Fixed: Workarounds for Google API changes

Version 1.1.11

- Changed: Automatic backups availability

Version 1.1.10

- Fixed: Cycle-case shortcut on Chromebook bug

- Added: Centered choice in paragraph-type dialogue

- Added: Paragraph-type dialogue shortcut

Version 1.1.9

- Added: Improved diagnostics structure

Version 1.1.8

- Fixed: Options storage issue created by browser changes

Version 1.1.7

- Fixed: Fountain with formatting import bug

Version 1.1.6

- Fixed: Large change-quantity bug

Version 1.1.5

- Fixed: Cursor location remembered on reload

- Fixed: Strikethrough PDF export bug

Version 1.1.3

- Fixed: Delete key at end of paragraph bug

Version 1.1.2

- Fixed: Layout of dialogue-blocks with mid-speech parentheticals bug

Version 1.1.1

- Added: List exports: Characters, Locations, and Scenes (Pro feature)

Version 1.1.0

- Rebuilt: Continue working Offline (Pro feature)

- Fixed: Undo and Redo

- Performance: Major P2P connectivity improvements

- Added: Relay fallbacks (Safari, restrictive networks etc)

- Added: Connection interruption 'RETRY NOW' option

- Added: Connection diagnostics

- Added: Improved network and internet status detection

- Fixed: Anonymously shared use (read-write only)

Version 1.0.5

- Fixed: Edit a comment reply bug

Version 1.0.4

- Fixed: Save a copy bug

Version 1.0.3

- Fixed: Copy-and-paste page-number bug

- Fixed: Can't reload bug

Version 1.0.2

- Fixed: Formatting tag copy bug

Version 1.0.1

- MAJOR CHANGE: P2P Group-Editing engine collaboration replacement

- Version Increment: Existing scripts convert on load

Version 0.7.10

- Fixed: Word-counts bug

Version 0.7.9

- Added: Final Draft 11 FDX export option

Version 0.7.8

- Added: Multi-paragraph text formatting

- Added: Safety confirmation before select-all

- Fixed: Prevent Chrome breaking between dashes

Version 0.7.7

- Added: Paragraph-type keyboard shortcuts

- Added: Paragraph-type menu-selection

Version 0.7.5

- Fixed: System wake-up authorization check

Version 0.7.4

- Fixed: Fails to interpret smart-links

- Fixed: Same script on multiple tabs disappearing cursor

- Fixed: Unwanted blocked Drive authorization pop-up

Version 0.7.3

- Added: PDF + FDX export available offline

- Added: Saves to current folder from 'NEW' button in Drive

- Fixed: Unmissable warning on Drive authorization failure

- Fixed: Hide paragraph 'type' hint when printing bug

Version 0.7.2

- Added: Improved spelling suggestions method

Version 0.7.1

- Fixed: Google script error bug

Version 0.7.0

- Added: Group upgrades (writers-groups/studios/schools/etc)

Version 0.6.32

- Fixed: Mac accents bugs

Version 0.6.31

- Fixed: Several read-only bugs

- Fixed: Maintain selection after format bug

- Fixed: Cut shortcuts not working on Macs bug

Version 0.6.26

- Fixed: Comment range-change bug

- Fixed: Delete leaving last Note bug

- Fixed: Delete hidden Note bug

- Fixed: Dialogue block layout bug

Version 0.6.22

- Fixed: Plain text paste while highlighted bug

- Fixed: Select-all and delete bug

- Fixed: Extra integrity check on load

Version 0.6.18

- Fixed: Couple of read-only bugs

- Fixed: Comment deletion bug

- Fixed: Replace text with formatting bug

Version 0.6.14

- Fixed: PDF export issue for some versions of Safari

Version 0.6.13

- Added: Better error-handling and reporting

- Fixed: MSIE bug

- Fixed: Several smaller bugs

Version 0.6.12

- Added: Allow dual-dialogue from speech and parenthetical

- Fixed: Comments error-handling on load issue

- Fixed: Include comment range checking in recovery

- Fixed: Inter-version offline-mode resynch issue

Version 0.6.11

- Performance: Changes to offline warning timings

- Fixed: Offline-mode resynch error handling

Version 0.6.10

- Added: Add images / pictures / gif's to script (Pro feature)

- Added: Allow reset of Google auth after account-swapping

- Fixed: Various minor bugs

Version 0.6.9

- Added: Dragging the selection progressively auto-scrolls pages

- Added: Pre-typing Character and Location hints sorted

- Added: Hints sorted by first- then later-word match, and shortest first

- Fixed: Escape key should prevent hint being selected

Version 0.6.8

- Added: Improved responsive design

- Fixed: Name-selection method and issue with touchscreens

Version 0.6.7

- Fixed: Ensure options handled as unicode

- Fixed: Non-unicode file-name issue

Version 0.6.6

- Fixed: User info shown on file-details dialogue

- Fixed: Backup issue (minor)

Version 0.6.5

- Fixed: Offline 'always sync' option bug

Version 0.6.4

- Performance: Margins formatting speed-up

- Fixed: PDF issue with dual-dialogue at bottom of page

- Fixed: Copy and paste should include all formats

Version 0.6.3

- Added: Drag-and-drop import of files and text

- Fixed: Edge FDX import issue

Version 0.6.2

- Added: Hitting Space at start of paragraph changes type

- Fixed: Page-break at start of script issue

- Fixed: Backup issue with blank location

Version 0.6.1

- Added: Offline work mode (Pro feature)

- Added: Tooltips consistent across browsers

- Fixed: Frenetic cursor on Safari

Version 0.5.19

- Performance: Large-file loading speed-up

- Fixed: Issue importing from certain backups

Version 0.5.17

- Added: Spellcheck whole document option

- Fixed: Problem saving to personal dictionary

- Fixed: Script doesn't regain focus after non-dialogue commands

Version 0.5.16

- Added: Page-headers (Pro feature)

Version 0.5.15

- Added: Word-counts by types and totals (Pro feature)

Version 0.5.14

- Added: French dictionary (France) added

Version 0.5.13

- Performance: Large script load speed-up

- Performance: PDF exports much smaller (compressed PDF)

- Performance: Chrome on touchscreen slow scrolling

- Fixed: Dual-dialogue line-up at top of page bug

- Fixed: Various performance issues

- Fixed: Smaller bugs

Version 0.5.12

- Added: Notes within dialogue-blocks

- Fixed: Import from backup comment thread issue

- Fixed: Dual-dialogue issues

- Fixed: Notes issues

- Fixed: Import into unchanged script issue

Version 0.5.11

- Performance: Caret not always resetting quickly enough

- Fixed: Problem with saving a copy

- Fixed: Enter should move to next type when hints showing

Version 0.5.10

- Fixed: Backspacing doesn't always show element info

- Fixed: INT, EXT etc may show as misspelled after dictionary change

- Fixed: Right-click INT/EXT. can offer to change the wrong location

- Fixed: Issue with certain cut-and-paste selections

Version 0.5.9

- Fixed: Onscreen keyboard appears with some menus

Version 0.5.8

- Added: Support for swiping/voice/predictive input on touchscreens

- Added: Support for accented character input using 'dead' keys

- Added: Support for on-screen keyboards

- Changed: Starting a note no longer inserts a new element except at end

- Fixed: Chromebook word correction produces double letters

- Fixed: Options sometimes ignored when logged out of Google

- Fixed: Prevent scrolling menus out of view on touchscreens, usually

- Fixed: Menu-item tooltip issues

Version 0.5.7

- Added: Create links directly to comments or text (Pro feature)

- Added: Open links directly to comments or text

- Fixed: Odd plain-text copying of bold, spelling-mistakes etc

- Fixed: Alt-Page-Up doesn't work from first scene-element

Version 0.5.4

- Fixed: Minor issues with read-only scripts

- Fixed: FDX export not handling Slug/Angle/Misc correctly

Version 0.5.3

- Added: Scene numbering (Pro feature)

Version 0.5.2

- Fixed: Option to not show warnings not always showing

Version 0.5.1

- Fixed: Multiple collaborators can lead to extra cursors

- Fixed: Single or double quotes shouldn't be spell-checked

- Fixed: Deleting commment range produces strange results

- Fixed: Right-clicking multiple elements shouldn't show format options

- Added: Allow for use of em-dash

- Added: PDF export

Version 0.5.0

- Fixed: Extra-long dialogue-block issue

- Fixed: Safari webworker bug

- Fixed: Occasional Google authorization issue after sleep

- Fixed: Occasional issue making initial save after sleep

- Fixed: Can't input comment on some Safari versions on Mac

- Added: Automatic backups (Pro feature)

- Fixed: Not showing dual-dialogues in succession

- Fixed: Deletes should be grouped for undoing

- Fixed: Spell-check troubles with line-break characters

- Fixed: Characters/locations remembered without asking

- Fixed: Spanish dictionary (generic) issue


- Added: Indicates script title when tab regains focus

- Added: File name defaults to script title if available

- Fixed: Main menu icons should always fade on typing


- Fixed: Asterixes and certain character combinations causing problems.


- Fixed: Page-number misaligns in certain browsers/circumstances

- Fixed: More encouragement to save work


- Added: Enhanced offline warnings.

- Fixed: Can't edit character or location directly after adding it.

- Fixed: Safari dialogue focus bug.

- Fixed: Several smaller fixes.


- Added: Allows many more Unicode characters, including Cyrillic.


- Added: Spanish dictionary added - Puerto Rico

- Fixed: Minor error hovering edit menu while loading


- Added: Spanish dictionaries added - any, Mexico, Spain

- Added: All Western European characters (accented, diacritic etc) now accepted


- Fixed: Page layout for extra-long dialogue groups


- Fixed: Smaller issues with Notes.


- Added: Undo and Redo now shown as Context/Edit menu items.

- Added: Edit/Context menu now shows as main menu icon.

- Added: Clicking outside a new comment now creates instead of cancels the comment.

- Fixed: Comments too far from script on wide monitors.

- Fixed: Comments don't scroll to last reply in all browsers.

- Fixed: 'Saving options' warning shows at unexpected times.

- Fixed: Several smaller issues.


- Fixed: More dialogue layout issues in IE etc.

- Fixed: Can't handle extremely long character and location names.


- Fixed: Prevent browser/tab closure before uploads complete.

- Fixed: IE dialogue box layout problems.

- Fixed: IE problem saving preferences.

- Fixed: IE error generated on refresh/reload.


- Fixed: Pasting certain text causing incorrect pagination afterwards.

- Fixed: Words-per-line disparities between Chrome and Firefox.

- Fixed: Fails to print certain last lines in Firefox.


- Added: Better handling and reporting for loading errors.


- Added: Dialogues behave better on small screens

- Fixed: Various smaller UI improvements


- Added: Default folder shown when choosing a file to open

- Added: Allows remembering your default folder

- Added: Allows saving to a specific Drive folder

- Fixed: Caret placement off by 2 pixels on Chromebooks/Chrome OS

- Fixed: Ctrl-Tab changes element-type on Firefox

- Fixed: Down arrow not moving off multiline element on Chromebooks/Chrome OS


- Added: Allow hiding comments from comment context-menus

- Added: Anonymous comment-marker color

- Fixed: Odd comment context-menu behavior in Firefox


- Added: Faster layout of long scripts

- Added: Uniform pagination for all browsers

- Fixed: Hide inactive collaborators

- Fixed: Script stays centered when scaled (zoom and small screens)


- Added: Better handling and logging of errors

- Added: Better handling of very large files

- Fixed: Scenes list is ugly with very long slugs

- Fixed: Problem loading certain scripts


- Added: Option not to show a warning in future


- Fixed: FDX + FOUNTAIN import/export issues


- Added: Import and export options now include FOUNTAIN

- Added: Collaborator's caret (cursor) and selection now hidden when they leave the document

- Added: Collaborator's selection now shows the collaborator label

- Fixed: Anonymous collaboration via shareable links causing issues

- Fixed: 'Source' title-page element doesn't accept line-breaks

- Fixed: Collaborator color showing incorrectly beside comments and replies

- Fixed: FDX dual-dialogue export

- Fixed: Various aesthetics and collaboration bugs


- Added: FDX export now handles dual-dialogue and script-notes correctly

- Fixed: Notes created within dialogue-blocks jumping outside the block.


- Added: 'Save As...' option added

- Added: Recovery options for corrupted or oversized Drive files

- Fixed: FDX import incorrectly handling dual-dialogue and script-notes

- Fixed: Cursor sometimes not showing when editing comments


- Added: 'What's New' feature added (you're looking at it!)

- Added: Character names are automatically allowed by the spellchecker


- Fixed: Exports to FDX now handle parentheticals correctly

- Fixed: How some dictionaries handle words with both a prefix and a suffix

- Added: An optional email address field has been added to the "Contact Us" dialogue, to allow us to respond to your questions or problems.


- Fixed: Various smaller bugs